

Overview Of Mathematics

This department; which was at the University of Aden was established with the Education College in Mukalla in the academic year 1974-1975. The college awarded a diploma. At first. However, the undergraduate program was started in the academic year 1980-1981. Moreover, Hadhramout University of Science and Technology was established in 1995 so, the Education College is considered one of its colleges and the Mathematics Department became one of the departments of the Education College in Mukalla. After that when the Science College was established in 2005, the department became one of the departments of the Science College.


To be a pioneer department in all the mathematics fields at both the local and regional levels.


Prepare qualified graduates in mathematics field that meet the developing needs of the society by providing distinguished programs and to enrich the knowledge through education, scientific research, authorship, translation and the perfect use of the technology.


  1. To prepare qualified cadres in the field of mathematics that contribute in the development of the community.
  2. To provide service courses for the study programs in the College and other colleges.
  3. To prepare high qualified scientific researchers in all mathematics fields.
  4. To encourage the scientific research and the participation in the specialized conferences.
  5. To establish channels for scientific communication with the specialists in all the mathematics fields at both the local and regional levels.
  6. To achieve quality and academic accreditation at the local and regional levels.

Faculty’s Programs
