Hadhramout University Awards a Master’s Degree in Science to the Researcher Bashayer Ali Faraj Kamaid


The viva- voce examination on the M.A thesis was held in the examination hall at Al-Galilah Complex by the researcher Bashayer Ali faraj Kmaid from Physics Department at Science Faculty- Hadhramout University. It tiled  ”Study of the radial electron density distribution function of lithium atom and its similar ions using the Hartree- Fock approximation.

The examination committee consisted of

Dr. Khalid Omer Al-Baiti; Chairperson and Supervisor.

Dr. Awadh Ali Ahmed Bin Jaze; Internal Examiner.

Dr. Tawfiq Mahmoud Muhammad Ali; External Examiner.

The committee praised the efforts made by the researcher in collecting the data, and it gave some recommendations to improve the research, motivating her to complete her studies.

It approved to award the researcher the master’s degree in science. The examination was attended by  the deanship, head department, number of staff members, researchers and researcher’s relatives and friends.