Hadhramout University Awards the Researcher Mohsinah Mohsen Saleh Balhaman a Master’s Degree in Life Sciences


The viva- voce examination on the M.A thesis was held in Mukalla by the researcher Mohsinah Mohsen Saleh Balhaman from the Life Sciences Department, Faculty of Science, Hadhramout University, entitled (Risk factors associated with the seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis in patients with renal failure).

The examination committee consisted of

Dr. Khaled Nasher Qahtan; Chairman and External examiner

Dr. Widad Mohammad Al Hayek;  Internal Examiner

Dr. Aidha Ali bin Humaid; Supervisor

The examination committee praised the efforts made by the researcher in collecting and preparing the thesis, and it presented a number of recommendations to improve the aesthetic image of the research.  It approved to award the researcher a master’s degree in Life Sciences. The examination session was attended by the Dean of the faculty, Head Department of Life Sciences, a number of staff members, researchers, and the researcher’s family and friends.