

Overview Of General Chemistry

Chemistry department was established alongside of the Education College establishment in Mukalla in 1974/1975. The classes in the College started by diploma program. The department then covered all the College developments and in the academic year 1980/1981 it started Bachelor program. In 1995 Hadhramout University was established and the Education College became one of its colleges and the Chemistry department also became one of the main departments in the College. When the Sciences College was established in 2005, the Chemistry department became one of its five departments. The department grants Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, and in 2016 it started the Master program.


To promote the performance level of all chemistry branches in order to be a leading department at both the local, regional and international levels.


to prepare and graduate a trained and qualified generation of the chemical specialists to meet the needs of the labor market and to contribute in solving the scientific and industrial problems that encounter the development plans in the community.


  1. To prepare a qualified generation of chemical researchers in the field of chemistry that contribute effectively to the community development.
  2. To graduate national qualified graduates to meet the country needs at both the privet and public sectors according to the nature of the specialization.
  3. To encourage the scientific research and contribute to spreading scientific culture.
  4. To maintain close scientific communication with the relevant departments and specialists in chemistry at the local, regional and international level.
  5. To achieve the program quality in order to achieve academic accreditation.

Faculty’s Programs
