Hadhramout University Awards The Researcher Iman Ahmed Sloma a Master’s Degree in Physics at Science Faculty


The viva-voce examination on the M.A thesis entitled ”Calculation of gamma-ray buildup factor in concrete of two-layer shields” by the researcher Iman Ahmed Sloma from Physics Department at Science Faculty.

The examination committee consists of :

Dr. Abdulaziz Omer Ba-Zhair; Chairperson and Internal Examiner- Hadhramout University

Dr. Tawfiq Mahmoud Muhammad Ali; External Examiner- University of Aden

Dr. Khalid Omer Al-Baiti; Supervisor-Hadhramout University.

The committee praised the efforts that were made by the researcher in collecting data, motivating her to complete her studies. It approved to award the researcher the master’s degree in science.

The examination session was attended by the deanship of the faculty, head department, number of staff members, some researchers and the researcher’s family and friends.