Scientific Associations


  •  Public Associations for Medicine Students / Yemen:

  It is a public association has established in 2017 by a group of the students of the College of Medicine in Hadhramout University in order to find a public association that contains all students of medicine in Yemen. That is in addition to be a part of the International Federation of the Medicine students association (IFMSA) which contains 135 associations in 126 country all around the world and to communicating the voice of the Yemeni medical student at the international level. The association has established in the College of Medicine/ Hadhramout University because of the unique initiative led by  two students in the College namely: Abdullah Mohammed Bahaismi and Ashraf Fahd Basilele . After that, the College of Medicine in Aden University has been jointed, while the rest Colleges of Medicine are going to be included soon.

The association will contribute to communicating the voice of the medical student at the international level, as well as introducing the medical students to the global health issues and linking them with the international organizations working in the field of health.

 It is worth mentioning that the membership was officially accepted at the August 2017 meeting in Tanzania, to make the Association a main member of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations in the World.

The Association works through 6 committees:

  1. The standing Committee of the Medical Education.
  2. The standing Committee of the Public Health.
  3. The standing Committee of Human Rights and Peace.
  4. The standing Committee of the Reproductive Health and AID.
  5. The standing Committee of the Occupational Exchange.
  6. The standing Committee of the Interchangeable Research.

  • Vision:

 To activating the role of the medical students in Yemen and unifying them for the health, supporting them by knowledge, skills and valued and to preparing them to be guides in the field of health at both the local and national.

  • Mission:
  1. The positive activation in the societies through the guiding of medical students of their initiatives.
  2. To expand the role of the Yemeni medical student through his participation the international community in the health field.
  3. To build the medical student’s abilities by training, projects management and chances exchange.

  • Objectives: 
  1. To develop Yemeni medical students’ knowledge and behavior at the personal, social and academic levels.
  2. To train the medical students to apply their knowledge and skills to the society benefits.
  3. To give the Yemeni students the chance to participate and learn through international discussions of the health issues.
  4. To represent Yemen in the International Federation of the Medicine students association (IFMSA).
  5. To contribute in raising the participation of the Yemeni medical students in the international health projects at both the local and national levels.